Submitted by: Mother Dearest
The Quest: The Conjuring of the Stone
The Challenge: Climb 'Enchanted Rock' in the Texas State Park. Described as a pink granite monolith - Summit 425 ft. A bit like a scaled down Ayers rock in Australia. Photographic evidence is required of a Welsh flag and the quester/s at the summit.
Tristan's Note: Another mountain!? Ugh. Do you know how unfit we are at the moment? Well I guess it wouldn't be a challenge if we weren't lazy swine.
Challenge Accepted!
Wombat's Ruling: Quit whining, you rugged Welsh mountain man. (They have mountains in Wales, right?). 400 exp, 3 hours charity.
Update, 5/25/18:
We have climbed the rock! We had a great day trekking up and around the summit, then exploring the boulders strewn around it's base. And we had a trusty Welsh flag backpackers patch with us to complete the challenge.
Tris fell in love with a fluffy black squirrel (that's grounds for divorce right?) and a turkey vulture fell in love with him and spent considerable time posing for him on a dead tree. We also met Jared and Joelle who gave us some great suggestions on where else to go in the southwest. Quest Complete!
Photo evidence at the top complete with Welsh flag as required!
Jared and Joelle accidentally photobombed us, how all the best friendships are formed right?
A view from the top, unadulterated.
Wombat's final judgement: Good work, you two! 400 exp and 3 hours charity awarded. Though next time I'd like to see a much larger Welsh flag (think Spanish explorer claiming this land for queen and country kind of thing).