Atlantic Challenge

Giggin' in Maine

Submitted by: AC2006 Forever

The Challenge: Give a gig some love

Word on the street is that there are some Bantry Bay Gigs floating around Belfast, Maine. Loyaute, Joie de Vivre, Communite, Humanite... So many to choose from! How many can you find? How many can you row? 

Earn volunteer points by giving these beauties some maintenance. Scrape, paint, caulk, you know the deal. If you time it right, plant some garlic, join the choir. Don't get too comfy, you might want to stay.

Loot is an AC USA2018 size large t-shirt which you will have to retrieve from me.

Zora's Note: Yay more gig quests!! And the bonus of getting some volunteer time in is also excellent.

Challenge Accepted!

Wombat’s Ruling: This is a tricky one - you guys can either opt to use this time as charity hours or as a quest. If the latter, record how many hours you worked on it and take some before and after pictures. I’ll figure out the experience points once I see how much work it is.

Will Sail For Food

Submitted by: Westie Family

The Quest: The Nautical Excursion of Nibbliness

The Challenge: Find the gig, sail, and pillage for snacks.

It has been 12 years since Genoa... Verite misses you and wishes you would come pull an oar. There are always snacks involved! Your Westie Family misses you and will provide many more challenges and quests when you visit the Pacific North West!!!

Zora's note: This is great! We can't wait to get back out on the gig! And to eat all your snacks. Challenge accepted! 


Wombat's Ruling: This sounds like too much fun to be worth experience! I think Zora and Tristan should bring some snacks of their own. Some really, really cool snacks. Something exotic (Hawaiian?)! If they do that, and post some pictures (maybe a testimonial from a fellow snack-eater?), then this is worth 400 exp, 3 hours charity (1-4 hour length, Moderate "Sweat Factor"). 

Update 7/31/18:

We had a wonderful (if all too short!) visit with the crew and Verite. Thank you so much for taking us out Westies!! AC love never dies (it seriously doesn't, we got to see so many crewmates before we even made it to the gig)! So while we did end up bringing our own snacks they were only Costco chips (so nothing special) and we were so busy having fun and rowing/sailing that we didn't eat them while we were out. However there was some communal snackage once the gig was put to bed. It was so lovely to be back out on the water and it reminded us both how much we miss Atlantic Challenge, how much better life would be with a gig in it (and our crew!), and how jealous we were of the crews doing AC '18 in Antrim (pretty much simultaneously). We had serious boat glow for the rest of the day despite it being the first leg of our 5 day 2,200 mile slog back to St. Louis. We also had some serious blisters!! Our time on the road has left us with some soft hands. So Wombat, you'll have to determine how many expectations we met on this one. 

Seriously, we can't wait to do this again. Excited to meet up with you and Louyaute, Easties!

Some Photos!


Wombat's Judgement: You had too much fun for this to possibly be worth the full points! Plus, your snackage was lacking. 300 exp, 3 hours charity.