
Doggos of America

Submitted by: Monty the Royal Corgi

The Quest: The Charting of the Hounds

The Challenge: Doggos of America

Whenever you see a dog, say "dog" out loud. Each dog sighting counts as one point. The person who has the most dog sightings by the end of the trip wins. You must say dog one time for each dog because every dog is special and unique.

Tristan's note: Playing us off against each other is kind of risky I think. It might lead to arguments... But either way:

Challenge Accepted!!!


Wombat's Ruling: This is another tricky one! How about this - when the trip is halfway finished (maybe when you switch coasts?), the person who is behind has to do 4 hours EXTRA charity, and the person ahead gets to spend 4 hours doing something incredibly relaxing. IF you do this, then this is worth 300 exp, 2 hours charity (1-4 hours, Easy "Sweat Factor" - it's easy for one of you at least!). 

Tristan's Response: I'm not sure I like this. Zora has got far superior eyesight than I do. How about she has to drive more to make up for the advantage so I am free to look for doggies?

4/24/2018 - An Update!

We have been going with the dog spotting for 2 weeks now and it is pretty much as I predicted, Zora is doing very well, and I am constantly struggling to keep up. Currently the count is Zora: 63, Tris: 45. Womp Womp.

We had a whole long stretch going through the Ozarks where we barely saw any dogs at all, just turkey vultures and road kill! However we are down into what feels like more densely suburban parts of Arkansas now so the pace is increasing. Yay dogs!

7/19/2018- Halfway Mark

We’ve made it back to St. Louis for appointments and repairs so we’re calling it the halfway mark. The results are in….Tristan comes from behind and TAKES THE LEAD!! Zora was winning forever, but then we hit Southern California. California is apparently the holy place for dogs. They are everywhere. With Tris driving and paying lots of attention in the madness that is traffic around LA and Zora paying attention to navigating on the phone, Tris positively cleaned up. The total: Tristan: 342.5 dogs, Zora: 310.5. The half dogs are ones we tied on. So according to the Wombat, Zora must now do 4 extra hours of volunteer work while Tristan kicks back. Woof.

Wombat’s Interim Judgement: Wow, what a Cinderella story! Tristan has earned his 4 hours of relaxation! Now for the ultimate prize. Reset your doggo counters to 0, and the winner at the end gets 8 hours of relaxation!

Play with animals...

Submitted by: Penelope Burns

The Quest: Exorcising the Beasts

The Challenge: Find an animal shelter and see if they'll let you walk the dogs! That way they get exercise :) Or just go socialize with the cats, if they let you do that.

Tristan's note: This isn't really a challenge at all is it?


Challenge accepted!!!


Wombat's Ruling: This is almost too easy! Let's make it more interesting. Tristan and Zora have to make adoption profiles (name, pictures, descriptions of animal's personality) for some of the cats/dogs they meet and post them here and on Facebook. It'll be 200 experience (and 2 hours of charity) for each animal, up to a maximum of 4 animals.