
Big Machines? Bucket, Why Not.

Submitted By: Phil, Purveyor of the Finest Trucks

The Quest: Observing the Vanquished Beasts

The Challenge: Get a picture in the Bucket of the LARGEST Electric Shovel or the LARGEST Dragline bucket in the world

How about a picture in the Bucket of the LARGEST Electric Shovel or the LARGEST Dragline bucket in the world They are all but memories, as they won't make them this big anymore..

Big Brutus -
converted to a Museum in KS. if it's on the way to another quest, why not get a picture.

The other - my personal favorite and I was trying to help get it converted to a museum in 1999, was Big Muskie, Made in South Milwaukee, by Bucyrus Erie, "same as Big Brutus"
All that's left is the 230 Ton, 220 Cubic yard bucket....on display, just a few miles from it's working area Ohio.

The Big Muskie was a model 4250-W Bucyrus-Erie dragline (the only one ever built). With a 220-cubic-yard (170 m3) bucket, it was the largest single-bucket digging machine ever created and one of the world's largest mobile earth-moving machines. could pick a load, larger than 2 grey hound busses, and sit it more than a football field away.

The bucket is big, 
Now look at the bucket, in relation to the machine
When you look at the mere size of this machine in this pic, it really puts things in perspective on just how big the machine was - It was featured by "That's incredible" and it walked like a duck...

I believe there is a campground near by
Directions:I-77 exit 25 (Caldwell). Head west on SR 78 -- a winding, hilly, two-lane road -- 16 miles to the Bucket in Miners Memorial Park.

Zora's Note: This is brilliant! Fun, accessible, and that's a great amount of detail. Seriously people, take a look at those links the machines are ridiculous.


Wombat's Ruling: Them things are huge! Okay, 300 exp, 2 hours charity (1-4 hours, Easy "Sweat Factor").


Jewels... JEWELLLLLLSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by: Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care

The Quest:  The Gathering of Baubles and Beads

The Challenge:  Collect jewelry and beads and spread the word to others

I volunteer for Kansas City Hospice in their resale shop, Top Drawer.  Three years ago we began a diligent effort to increase our jewelry donations.  Our customers love jewelry and we had very little to offer them when they came into the store to shop. We have been reaching out to as many people and organizations as possible to try to significantly increase our jewelry stock. 

We are looking for jewelry that is in excellent to good condition that we can immediately put out for sale.  However, if you want to add your broken jewelry, mismatched earrings, broken brooches, tarnished silver, etc. we will use that too.  

We have a jewelry making program where volunteers repair and repurpose all of the broken jewelry.  They also make new pieces from donated beads and beading supplies. We have made over 1000 original pieces for our store.  So, if you have left over beads and beading supplies from your “hobby” days you can send us those items too.

Everyone who works in Top Drawer is a volunteer and all of the proceeds go to benefit Kansas City Hospice which is a 501C3 not for profit Hospice.

There are so many people who have accumulated jewelry that they no longer like or wear. It sits in a drawer and noone gets to benefit from using it.  With our program, you can donate your jewelry, it is recycled (no landfills), and it benefits a wonderful charity like Kansas City Hospice.

All accumulated jewelry and beads can be sent to our shop:

Top Drawer, 9433 Mission Road, Leawood, KS 66206


Tristan's Note: Thank you so much for your quest, we would love to take it on and spread the word about Kansas City Hospice and Palliative care. And congratulations on winning the "Heart of Hospice" award!

Also finding shinies is pretty much Zora's favorite thing in the world. We will put links on our volunteering page and also the journey map. I think we will receive xp/time based upon every medium sized box that we collect and send to you. What do you think Wombat?

Challenge Accepted!!!


Wombat's Ruling: This is a wonderful idea! You should spread the word as you travel! As for experience, let's break this into two pieces.

For each piece of nice, "ready-to-wear" jewelry you find and post a picture of, you get 100 exp, 0.5 hours charity. For each shoebox of shiny bits and bobs, let's say 400 exp, 2 hours charity. This may seem unbalanced, but I'm guessing it is easier to find a single piece of jewelry than a whole shoebox of bits.