"Diana is Invited to Tea with Tragic Results"

Submitted by: stephdye

The Challenge: A Cordial Invitation to Deliver the Goods

Fetch quest! 
Hand deliver a bottle of raspberry cordial from Prince Edward Island back to St Louis, to me, Steph. Try some yourselves while you're at it - if memory serves correctly, it's divine.
Bonus points for taking pictures of as many green-gabled buildings on PEI as you can!

Zora's Note: Since we've been stuck in St. Louis longer than we hoped, we're not entirely sure we're going to make it all the way to PEI, however, since it's conveniently connected to Nova Scotia by a great big stick, that cordial has been known to pop up around my home province. We should be able to retrieve some. I also know someone who worked on the original Anne of Green Gables TV show, so we'll see what insights she may have. 

Challenge Accepted!


Wombat's Judgement: Fair enough. 300 exp, 4 hours charity. Double exp if you bring me one! (It's good to be the king).