
Get Back To Where Ye Once Belonged

Submitted by: sjil28

The Quest: The Meeting of the Medievals

The Challenge: Attend Ye Old Renaissance Festival!

Attend the Renaissance Festival in Crownsville MD and either dress up in costume or compete in games.

Starts in Aug and goes through Oct so you have plenty of leeway to arrive in MD.


Tristan's Note: Oh my goodness yes! A thousand times yes!


Wombat's Ruling: A very good idea. 300 exp, 4 hours charity. Maybe I can come join you...

The Bomb-lette

Submitted by: Whatever

The Quest: The Tasting of the Mega Egg

The Challenge: Visit the ostrich and emu farm in Solvang, CA and try an egg!

Tristan's Note: I love the eating quests. We will do our best!

Challenge Accepted!


Wombat's Ruling: I think the pattern is clear - Americans just want you to come visit and eat local food. This is an easy 100 exp, 30 minutes charity. An extra 100 exp (no charity) for good photos of emus.

Update 7/8/2018: This one was probably our most egg-regious missed opportunity. We drove right by Solvang! There is no excuse for us missing it other than having a collective period of derp. We apologize, however we may be able to send some representatives there in our stead. Watch this space!


Wombat's Judgement: Boo! Terrible pun! And you should have said: "There is no egg-scuse" too. Bah.

Our waistlines will Morph Carolina

Submitted by: Fuzzy Bear

The Quest: The Vanquishing of the Appetites

The Challenge: Good Eating in NC

Since you're swinging through North Carolina, you might as well do so on a full stomach. A really full stomach. Your challenge is to hit up some of the best places to eat along your route. They are: Bull City Burger and Brewery (Durham, NC), Backyard BBQ Pit (Durham, NC), Wimpy's Grill (Durham, NC), Crafted (Greensboro, NC) extra points there if you can suss out the new location without using their website to cheat, 5Church (Charlotte, NC, and SkyBAR (Asheville, NC). Prove you made it to each location by sharing photos, or dirty napkins. Your choice.

Zora's Note: Our friends are clearly trying to sabotage our arteries...Challenge accepted!!


Wombat's Ruling: I'm getting jealous just thinking about this! To earn any experience, you need to give us a review of your favorite restaurant in NC once you leave. It can be a blog post or a video. Answer the question "If I can only go to one restaurant in all of NC, which should it be, and why?"


Including the video, this is < 1 day, Easy "Sweat Factor", so 400 exp, 3 hours charity. 

Dad's Fave Philly

Submitted by: Bromogida

The Quest: The Conquest of the Bovine 

The Challenge: Ro's dad challenges you to go to White House in Atlantic City, and order a "Whopper". Get some laughs then have the best Philly Cheese Steak dad has ever had. Post a picture to commemorate the moment.

Tristan's Note: We will starve ourselves in preparation, because I'm pretty sure that something called  a "Whopper" is not going to be small.

Challenge Accepted!


Wombat's Ruling: You guys are so lucky. This is 100 exp, 1 hr charity (<1 hr, Trivial "Sweat Factor" - all you have to do is have lunch!). 


Submitted by: Laura Louis

The Quest: The Feast of Unrivalled Gut Distention

The Challenge: Complete or attempt every eating/ food contest you come across ....... eg eating 1 tonne of hot wings and you don’t have to pay!!!!

Tristan's Note: I am not going to do this, because I will ruin about 20% of all my days (Do you know how many places in the US have an eating challenge!?) HOWEVER, I will attempt the first eating challenge that there is at a place where we stop for food, AND for every subsequent place where I pass on attempting a challenge I will donate time.

Challenge (kind of) accepted!!!

Wombat's Ruling: This is a pretty easy/fun one, but let's have mercy on poor Tristan's stomach (he's not used to good, healthsome US food). We'll call it 1-4 hours (to include the time he spends recovering), and Easy "Sweat Factor", for 300 exp, 2 hours of charity.