
Surf's Up Dude and Dudette...

Submitted by: Zoe Emery

The Quest: The Hanging of the Ten... or Twenty

The Challenge: Go Surfing!Let’s go surfin now, everybody's learnin now, come on safari with me... etc
Go surfing!! 
Double points if both if you go for it. Beg, borrow or rent a board (don’t steal), it’s up to you. Proper surf pose pictures on the beach are required. Have a lovely time.

Tristan's Note: No smart comeback to this one, it would be my pleasure!

Challenge Accepted!


Wombat's Ruling: Ooh, I'm looking forward to some videos of falling off a surfboard! 600 exp, 3 hours charity, +100 exp (no charity) for uploading a hilarious and short video of someone either falling off or being badass.