
The mark of the dragon

Submitted by: Rania & Jon

The Quest: Carving The Flesh of the Wyrm

The Challenge: Pumpkin Carving in New Hampshire. Attend the world's largest pumpkin carving festival in Keene NH, which takes place in mid October, and carve a welsh dragon on a pumpkin.

Tristan's Note: Excellent suggestion, however this may not fit with our timeline. However what we will do is go to Keene, and carve a Welsh Dragon into SOMETHING whilst we are there. We will also attend the biggest pumpkin festival available to us in mid October and carve the dragon into a pumpkin.

Challenge accepted!


Wombat's Ruling: This is a 2 part quest.

Part 1 is carve something in Keene - 200 exp, 2 hrs charity (< 1 hr, Easy "Sweat Factor).

Part 2 is carve dragon into a very large pumpkin in October - 300 exp, 2 hrs charity (1-4 hrs - I'm including time spent finding a huge pumpkin, Easy "Sweat Factor). PLUS 200 exp bonus (with no charity requirement) if they carve a good Trogdor into a second pumpkin (what's the point of being the arbiter of the rules if you can't abuse your power?).