
Doing the Truckle Shuffle

Submitted by: Nicole

The Quest: Marching in the footsteps of giants

The Challenge: Goonies adventure!

Find the location of the Fratelli's hideout/restaurant from "The Goonies" and take the 100 steps to it together like the kids in the film did. (hint: the building no longer exists).
Ecola State Park, Cannon Beach, OR

Tristan's Note: This will be a fun one! I'm always up for finding film locations!

Challenge Accepted!

Wombat's Ruling: Okay, you two are on the honor code. If you look up the location online and just go there, this is worth 300 exp, 2 hours charity (1-4 hrs, Easy "Sweat Factor"). If you actually figure out where it is yourselves, 600 exp, 4 hours charity (<1 day, Moderate "Sweat Factor"). 

Update: 8/7/2018: It is to our deep regret that we have to inform eveyone that we missed this challenge. We were in Portland for the sour beer quest, and just didn't have time to make it out to the coast. We were looking forward to this one. We will just have to come back, or have another quester take it on.


There better be a lady in this lake...

Submitted by: Fuzzy Bear

The Quest: The Observance of the Water

The Challenge: Following in Burgoyne’s Footsteps

As you head to NS from New York, your task is to enjoy one of the better views of Lake Champlain. However, I'm not going to tell you where that is. To find out stop at Fort Ticonderoga and take the tour. The docent's might know where you should go. Here's a hint though, if you get the right information you'll be able to "defy" the odds I've stacked against you. Post a picture to prove you were successful. For extra points put the history of the path you took in the photo's caption (that's another hint as to where to go by the way).

Tristan's Note: I appreciate that we get to make this quest more difficult if we choose to! 

Challenge accepted!


Wombat's Ruling: I haven't been to Fort Ticonderoga since I was a kid! It'll be great. Anyway. 300 exp, 2 hours charity for just the picture (1-4 hours, Easy "Sweat Factor"), or 400 exp, 3 hours charity (1-4 hours, Moderate "Sweat Factor") with the caption too. Lots of bonus points for doing a post/video/something about the important history of Fort Ticonderoga. (I'll award the bonus points once I see the result).